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Quick guides

Although IntelliList is really easy to use, it is equipped with quick guides that explain how to use the app. You can access the quick guides by tapping the button with the question mark in the upper right corner, or from the menu window. You don't need any network connection to read quick guides.

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Frequently asked questions

In addition to quick guides, you can refer to F.A.Q.s, in which there are the answers to the most frequently questions we have been asked by our users. As well as quick guides, F.A.Q. are always available, even without network access.

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Contact our team...

If you have problems or suggestions please don't hesitate to contact us (we aren't able to help you if you just leave a comment on the App Store). We give the greatest importance to the quality and reliability of the application, and we will be happy to solve any problem. You can contact our team via the application itself, from the 'Contact our team' view.

... even without the app

If you don't have IntelliList and you still have questions, you can contact us via the following email address

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or via Twitter

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